Monday, November 24, 2008

Meg is Mad as Hell

When will this Joe the Plumber stuff ever end?

I mean, isn't enough he earned national fame when his name isn't even Joe and he isn't a plumber?

Even though the guy is from my hometown of Toledo, I'm a bit ticked at all the attention and all the spinoffs his fame has generated.

Looking for wine for Thanksgiving dinner the other day, imagine my surprise when I discovered this?

I mean,

When will it end? Really?

I'm so sick and tired of these people earning fame in the world for what? Zip, zilch, zero.

As I stared at the label, the anger started to rise up inside me and there was only one thing I could do.

Buy this wine and this wine only:

Yep, I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore.


Posted at Humor-Blogs.


April said...

Are you serious?!? BTW, almost all of my colleagues want a WTF stamper. Xmas present, you think?

for a different kind of girl said...

I bet that Mad Housewife wine is fantastic! I need to hunt some down for Thanksgiving, assuming I ever find a meal to crash.

Your beef is mine, too. Paris. The cast of "The Hills". Why?!

Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

I need me some of that housewife wine...

Suzie said...

Pour me a glass too

Honeybell said...

Clearly I'm shopping at all the wrong liquor stores.

But seeing as how I actually do base my wine choices on the aesthetics of the label, I think I'd be drunk all the time.

Schmoop said...

I wish Joe would get sucked down an angry toilet. Want wine? Get some Wild Irish Rose. Cheers Meg!!

Kaylia Metcalfe said...

Heh I am so with honeybell on this one... my local places don't have anything as cool.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you. WTF? Enough of this Joe guy. Does Diary of a Mad, Mad Housewife (another blogger) know about this? She should.

Jen said...

Oh... we need a wine review! And I so agree - I think we should have Sarah and Joe have an affair and then we can take 'em both down.

Or even better, maybe Joe and TODD can have the affair!

Unknown said...

Good for you, Meg! I wonder how "wine by heinous" would fly?

For Myself said...

Joe. Pffft. He's a loser. You and the chick on the Mad Housewife bottle, on the other hand, are badasses.

Love the blog, btw!

MsPicketToYou said...

i wish I was with you as you were shooting pictures of wine bottles.

sage said...

Joe's a fast fading star--who'll reappear only in the footnotes of "Making a President 2008"

A Free Man said...

One of the nice things about living abroad is that Joe never really got much traction in the election coverage - but you've got my sympathies.

Unknown said...

Joe gets his own wine? Should that be Joe the Winemaker then?

Maybe someone will sue him for misrepresentation.

Deb said...

I won't spend over $9.00 for a bottle of champagne, so what's that tell ya? I do know that every Bozo with a bottle fetish has a wine, and this I know just from standing in the wine aisle at the supermarket. Wine bottles with pictures of dogs, cats, ferrets, lizards, clowns, astronauts, you name it. Mad housewife is probably one of the more normal ones.

Vodka Mom said...

Crap, is all the wine gone? I want a glass!!!!

Vodka Mom said...

yeah, I want the WTF stamp, too! Do you think the kindergartners will know what it means???

JD at I Do Things said...

I support your decision to boycott all things "Joe" and especially to support anything labeled "Mad Housewife."

Um, "Joe the Plumber"? You're done now.

JD at I Do Things

Enchanted said...

I'm with you! But, I am so lucky. My son makes awesome wine and I never have to go to the store and buy any.

robkroese said...

I totally need my own brand of wine. That would kick ass. Diesel Wine. Oh yeah.

Bex said...

CheeseAndRice, Meg! Are you ok?? I've been in my own cloud of funky funk and decided to give myself an hour to pop in to my favorite blogs for a "how's it going" and a "see you later" kinda deal...with great anticipation I pop in're BLUE! You're bummed.

I'm sorry. And that's why I have a GIFT. Just for you. My gift has no exact dollar value, but if you do enjoy wine (as I'm thinking you might) I have the name of a very good table wine...for under $4 a bottle. Ummm...yeah. You heard me right.

Bohemian highway
California Cabernet Sauvignon

I once served this at a Junior League function and received a HAND WRITTEN note two days later, begging for the name of the wine. (BTW, plz keep the JL thing on the DL...I don't want to ruin my rep...)

OK, chickie. Hope you feel better soon.