Being the Feminist that I am--that is the plunging neckline kind who wants true equality of the gender parts shown on TV, I cannot and will not sit quietly and let a woman who uses phrases such as Joe Six Pack present a negative image of our country to the world.
MILF or no MILF, we all don't drink cheap beer. And that's the truth.
Thus, I, Meg Cypher, have decided to enter the race.

And not surprisingly
because I know people,
because I visit chat rooms,
because I have a certain celebrity obsession in common with a particular talk show host and news anchor at channel 3,
my campaign has taken off.
You know, I like you a lot, but I think I'll stick with Obama. ;)
hehe I'm the Angry Seafood dude! I can't speak for Don but John I can. Bring it on he says!
You are a maverick.
You've got my vote as long as you don't wink.
Youve got my vote too and some interesting google searches with that postings title
bah, you forgot to mention Rickey's campaign to Write in Rickey!
If you achieve high office, any chance of having Simon Cowell killed?
Ah go on ...
I'll vote for you. I hate this election. Until now :o)
Can I get a Meg poster to put in my front yard?
Until you threw your hat in the ring, I was voting for Nut Job, my dog.
It's already been said here, but you've got my vote as long as you don't wink at me.
JD at I Do Things
Hmmm...who is your running mate??
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