Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Keeping Happy Holidays in Christmas

I don't get this War on Christmas. Seems like Christ was taken out of Christmas when reindeers began to fly and Pooh got stuck in a giant blowup snowglobe.  For me, as with many others, Christmas is a cutural holiday. 

There's the tree--which tests my OCD as I rearrange the bulbs every time I walk by; there's the mall--which tests my claustrophobia and makes me wish I had a cattle prod; and there's the cards--which test my procrastination-al leanings.  The latter has consistently been a FAIL for me.  My cards never get out on time. 

Hence, the real beauty of Happy Holidays is the cards can arrive before New Years and I'm still good.  The S in holidays saves me every year.


Pearl said...

There is plenty of time to get it all done.

Right? :-)


sage said...

it's a faux war... I've given in to procrastination and send out letters in the new year, when people might actually read them

Arpeggio Andy said...

Holy crap, Meg's back. Well anyways your a better person than I am. I didn't even think about sending cards this year.

Interesting Facts said...

Holidays are always good to me.

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