Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Should Your Kid Be Reading These Books?

I watched this video of the puppets throwing out all the bad books and I have to say I disagree that most of them, including The Joy of Cooking, should be banned. 

However, I have to admit there is one book I believe is completely inappropriate for kids and I'm working to get it removed from our school's 11th grade English curriculum.  Yesterday, my son brought home this book:

Come on, people.  Is a book that gives pointers on how to improve one's arguing skills what a TEENAGER should be reading? 

I think not.

Thanks to A Free Man for reminding me this is Banned Books Week.  I mean, if they can take away our books, they can take away our blogs.

posted at Humor-Blogs


ReformingGeek said...

Um, no. They need books to help them understand that their parents really can whoop their a**.

April said...

I totally agree with you! How DARE they?!?

for a different kind of girl said...

My oldest is just now starting to sharpen his teeth on that whole talking back thing, so allow me to say that I, too, am offended by that book. Out! Out, I say!

A Free Man said...

As anti-censorship as I am, I think we could do without those bodice ripping vampire books that have resulted in every television show right now being a bad vampire romance.

Jen said...

Isn't a book to teach teens how to argue an oxymoron?

♥ Braja said...

I think a greater concern would be that only in the US would someone use a fictional cartoon character in such a book.....

sage said...

maybe I shouldn't have read books like Huck Finn and Hemingway... they stirred my soul and have given me a case of wanderlust that still burns within. I'm going to have to read the book on arguing--as long as it's not to steeped in rhetoric theory, I don't think I can handle that right now.

Nooter said...

band books, hmmm. i think i would read about three dog night band, or maybe the band who plays hair of the dog, but not cat stevens band, bleh.

damon said...

Puppets make me laugh.

Anndi said...

Jeez, I could have written the book on arguing... I get in trouble for doing that all the time.