As Tiggyblog has written, there are lots of us out here. We have everything we need save a micro-brew from that world wide web.
I get my news and sports from Dickipedia:

I get my collectible dolls from eBay. I can't wait for this Birds Barbie to come out:

And I also get my sex from the internet. But porn for women is a bit different than porn for men:

As long as I have legs to walk on, you'll NEVER have to take out the garbage.

I made some Niman Ranch lamb tenderloin with garlic and black pepper, and Indonesian soy sauce for dinner. I hope that sounds OK.

I like to get to these things before I have to be asked.
Yes, I loves me some of those guys.
See, when you spend as much time on the web as I do, housework starts to pile up.

With porn for women, I can kill two birds with one stone.
Or two birds with one Barbie, whatever the case may be.
Do a gal who is behind on the laundry a favor and VOTE FOR THIS POST at Humor-Blogs.
Oh I love it. Wash those dishes. Its too hot. I gotta go ummm....cook or something
It's the cook that gets me. Definitely hawt.
And, Meg...have you ever watched Clean House? Just sayin.
I think I know both of those guys.
They used to cry a lot when I stole their lunch money.
I suppose it's possible to also order one of those guys to come over to the house and actually do that housework off the Internet, but chances are, that's either illegal or, worse yet, the guy won't look a thing like pictured.
Suzie: Exactly!
April: Clean House? Is it on the Internet?
Damon: Oh yeah? But whose photo is on Meg's blog now?
DK of G: If we're talking housework, I don't thing I'd mind.
That would be think with a K.
see, now THAT is what men are good for. I just don't understand why more don't get with the program! :)
OMG, PLEASE tell me that's a real picture of YOUR laundry! I love it!
A perfectly clean house is a sign of an empty mind. ;-)
You made me giggle and I'm not a giggler. In fact, I hate giggler. I"m not talking about jigglers because I do do that. Thanks for making my day.
Sandy: And for moving large furniture.
Margaret: Yes, all mine. Except the older kids are supposed to do their own clothes. I guess they take after me.
Jen: Agreed. But pulling dirty clothes to wear from the laundry shoot is getting old.
Midlife Slices: Thank you so much. Please come back, I'm here a lot.
That dude with the blue gloves? He disturbs me. And not in a good way.
There is nothing sexier than a man with dishpan hands. (Unless it's a man with dishpan hands AND a giant schlong.)
Nothing like having gay guys do the housework for you, LOL.
Well I'll have you know that I cook and take out the garbage. The dishes I'm not really a fan of, but I still do them sometimes.
As for your comment on my blog. My e-mail is so send me an e-mail letting me know which area of Toronto you'll be staying in (I'm assuming right downtown) and the dates you're in town and we can set something up.
I suddenly feel so much better about my pile of laundry!
Bee: Girl...have a margarita, let your hair down.
Bex: Those and an accent!
Drowsey: If they're are gay, then I'm a drunken slosh...OK wait a minute...
Sully: Shhhh!
Momo: Yeah, I guess I'm used to airing my dirty laundry in public.
I want the Psycho Barbie because it comes with chocolate syrup.
Did you know that your email address graphic says 'pegcyher'? Is this like that time my dad made labels for all the little boxes in the garage and I had to point out that one of them was labeled 'srews'?
I am forever in your debt for introducing me to Dickipedia. A case of chardonay and a box of straws are on their way!
Damn, your house is messy.
But the Birds Barbie???? How cool is that?
Now get to that wash!!
Oh sorry. Am I in danger now?
Diesel: OMG! You're right! I've posted many times about my spelling problems--can't even spell my own frickin' name.
Wait. OK. It's been removed.
Deb: Dickipedia is great, but they haven't added John Edwards yet.
Sista #2: A Hitchcock Barbie is a must! Still waiting for a Lloyd Dobler Ken, though.
Sully: Shhh again!!!
I love it! Back in May, I got Porn For Women for my best friend for her birthday. We laughed and laughed. Her husband didn't think it was so funny. I don't know why.
Thank you so much for introducing me to Dickipeida! I will amuse myself for hours by hitting the "random page" link. Hilarious!
I wanna know who the hell you think you are sneaking into my house and taking pictures?!..Mr. Mustang feels violated and that laundry was only piled up like that for a COUPLE of days dammit!
Ummm. I find these guys where? Cause seriously, I want a piece. Of their skills I mean. Yeah their skills, totally.
Reminds me of the kitchendales. Yum, yum. Or the Naked Chef boys, Rooowrrr!
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